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Corporate Entertainer Rick Lewis
Full Promotional Video


Read How It Works for Your Event

Why Hire Rick Lewis?





The Making of a Promotional Video

The clips that comprise this video have been collected over the last five years at corporate events, promotional events, company parties and industry conventions all of which have taken place in the United States and Canada.

A Big Thanks to Event Production Teams

I want to thank two primary organizations and their associated production companies expecially for the hidden camera footage of The World's Funniest Waiter. Both of these two companies, Securian Insurance and Alpha Insurance, employed top-notch production teams to film their event with two cameras or more, allowing for camera isolations that were made available to me in a Beta SP format which were then transfered to MiniDV tape. This footage was then input onto my Mac, imported into Final Cut, edited and loaded onto the website. Having started with broadcast quality video footage of the comedy routines of this event makes it possible to view fair quality movies on the internet and allows my potential customers to observe first-hand the impact and level of engagement engendered by the interactive comedy of The World's Funniest Waiter.

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